This is an 18+ party.
Shindig Schedule
Welcome to the party!
T – 1 Hour: Come in to help with setup. Contact austinropeslingers[at] ahead of time to volunteer.
T – 10 seconds: Doors open time! Get there to:
- Verify that you have a waiver and show your ID to the leader at the front door
- Chat and meet new people!
- Negotiate for a later scene
- Volunteer for a door shift, contact us at austinropeslingers[at]
T + 30min: Enjoy a demonstration, performance, rope lesson or show.
T + 1 Hour or after announcements: The Party Begins!
Because this party focuses on rope, the lights may be a little brighter and music a little quieter. Communication and clear vision enable more fun and more safety.
Shindig Etiquette
Drink Responsibly
Alcohol is allowed, in moderation. Alcohol is not provided by Austin Rope Slingers. You may bring your own, but do not set it out for indiscriminate sharing. No person should suspend or be suspended while impaired by alcohol.
The first time there’s irresponsible behavior, this goes away, so don’t make us revoke this policy.
No illegal drug use is allowed.
Respect other’s scenes
Do not interrupt other people’s scenes. Rope scenes don’t end when the rigger begins to untie the bunny or always when they are tidying up rope.
- Rope scenes end when the rigger and bunny say it has ended and they engage with others.
- Do not touch or talk to anyone who is part of a scene unless it has explicitly been consented to by all participants before the scene starts.
- Be considerate of scene space and your surroundings. Stay out of the tying zone. Is there rope there? Tying zone.
- Keep social volume low outside social areas. Rope work requires concentration, so be mindful of your discussions. Take work problems, lengthy negotiations, or hilarious banter to the kitchen, living area, or porches.
- Suspending should involve knowledge, safety awareness, communication. If you need a spotter, ask a DM, they can help you find one. DMs will be watching to assist, but you are responsible for your and your partner’s well being.
- Share the hard point. Points are limited so consider doing all your body rope work off the point and only move to the point once you are ready to use it. Once finished with a hard point, move your aftercare and gear as quickly as possible.
No aerosolized blood during any play in any of the rooms. If skin is broken during impact, stop immediately and take steps to clean equipment and prevent contamination of the surrounding area. Please contact a DM if you need help.
Neck Rope If using neck rope, let a DM know and find a spotter! Everyone spotting the scene must have a cutting tool. Advanced warning of advanced play is essential so your scene can go safely and smoothly.
Noise Warning If you are excessively noisy and disrupting a scene-in-progress, you will receive one warning before being asked to leave that play area. If someone says you are being too loud around their scene, you are being too loud.
Photography is allowed on a limited basis.
- All people being photographed must consent before the camera is pointed at them.
- No photos of scenes in progress that you are not a part of and don’t have consent to photograph prior to the scene starting (aka do not interrupt anyone actively tying to ask if you can take a picture / the effective answer is no).
- Make sure no one is in the background when taking a photo of your beautiful partner and rope.
If the photography rule is abused, you will be required to delete the non-consensual photos on your phone, camera, or device from all storage locations.
If you see photography occur without your consent or the consent of those being photographed, please approach a DM or ARS leader with your concerns immediately.
Playing With People
Safewords This party will use the universal “Red” and “Yellow” safe word system:
- “Red” means “stop and remove from BDSM play”
- “Yellow ” means “check-in and slow down”
- If you plan to use gags, use an obvious visual signal that you explain to the DM monitoring your area.
Asking to Play You will meet a lot of great, kinky people at Austin Rope Slingers. We want you to enjoy BDSM play at our events. When you ask someone to play, these are the rules for keeping things consensual.
When you ask someone to play, they will likely tell you “yes,” “maybe,” or “no.”
- No – If they say “no,” that is the end of it and you may not ask them again.
- Maybe – If they say “maybe,” you may ask them only once more for the rest of the party. If you violate this rule, you will be asked to leave the party.
- Yes – If they say “yes,” negotiate well and have fun! If you have questions about negotiation, talk to a DM or leader for basic guidelines.
Dungeon Monitors/DM’s
Our DM are members that have experience with rope play, rope suspension, and BDSM safety in general. If they don’t have a solution, they will find somebody that does.
- DMs will be pro-active as they deem necessary.
- ARS expects you to use safe equipment and techniques. Keep within your skill set.
- If the DMs see something that appears unsafe, they will intervene, and participants are expected to cooperate and engage in dialogue until an understanding or safety situation is reached.
- Clear edge play with DMs at the party, before your scene begins. We will help make sure you have the right space for your play!
If you would like support during a negotiation of a scene, check in with a DM. Negotiation, like many things, is a skill that gets easier with practice and will ensure everyone has a good time. You can also use our Negotiation Guidelines.
If you have any questions at a party, find a DM. If you have any problems at a party, find a Rope Slingers leader.
If you’re new, talk to a DM about getting a spotter to help out with rigging and safety during your rope scene!
Have a question at a party? Looking for a spotter? Find a DM!
Until then, e-mail us with any questions at austinropeslingers[at] with any questions.